NASM Assembly
Problem Description:
The objective of this assembly language project is to create a terminal-based text editor with a set of specific features. I created this text editor to showcase my proficiency in assembly language programming and provide a useful tool for text editing in a terminal environment.
You can see the project code along with the work report on GitHub.
File Loading and Display: Read and display the contents of a file specified by its path.
Report File Data: Provide statistics about the loaded file, including the number of characters, words, and lines.
Search and Highlight: Enable users to search for specific phrases or words in the file and highlight their occurrences.
Search and Replace: Allow users to search for specific phrases and replace them with other text.
Append and Trim: Append content to the end of a file or remove a specified number of characters from the end of a file.
File Saving: Provide an option to save the edited file.
Save As: Allow users to save the edited file to a different location without changing the original file.
This project demonstrates my expertise in assembly language programming and showcases a functional text editor for terminal-based text editing.