Tic Tac Toe graphic
This project is the culmination of my advanced programming course at University of Tehran, where I ventured into the exciting world of game development using C++ and the SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library).
You can see the project code along with the work report on GitHub.
Key Features
- Classic Tic-Tac-Toe Gameplay Experience the timeless joy of playing Tic-Tac-Toe with your friends in a digital format. The game retains the classic rules, where two players take turns marking ‘X’ and ‘O’ on a 3×3 grid to win the match.
- SFML-Powered Graphics The game’s graphical interface is powered by the SFML library, which offers smooth and interactive graphics. SFML simplifies the process of rendering graphics, handling user input, and managing audio, making it an excellent choice for game development in C++.
- User-Friendly Interface The intuitive user interface ensures that players can effortlessly enjoy the game. The grid updates in real-time, and the game announces the winner or a draw once the match concludes.
Getting Started
To play the Tic-Tac-Toe game or explore its source code, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine using Git.
Compile the Code: Use a C++ compiler (MakeFile) to build the game executable from the source code.
Run the Game: Execute the compiled game binary to launch the Tic-Tac-Toe experience.
Enjoy the Game: Challenge your friends to a game of Tic-Tac-Toe and relish in the nostalgia of this classic pastime.
Contributions to this project are encouraged! Whether you’d like to enhance the game’s features, optimize its code, or provide suggestions for improvements, your contributions are highly appreciated. Please open an issue or submit a pull request to get started.